Freeport Board

The Freeport Board has been established to make recommendations to Cabinet on Freeport strategy and policies, to review Freeport services, ensure compliance with Freeport legislation and to co-ordinate the interests of landowners and other key stakeholders

The Freeport Board meet at least four times per year. An agenda will be published five clear working days before the meeting. Draft minutes will be published within ten clear working days of the meeting taking place and final minutes within ten clear working days of approval.

To view all of our meetings and committees including the agendas, reports and minutes, please click on the below links:

Forthcoming Freeport Board Agendas & Papers

Previous Freeport Board Agendas & Papers

24th March 2023 (cancelled)

17th November 2022

29th September 2022

17th March 2022

20th January 2022

18th November 2021

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