Procurement covers the process by which goods and services are acquired from suppliers and providers and managed throughout the life of the asset or duration of the contract.
Effective procurement must be measured as much by the social outcomes and community benefits as by the financial gains, therefore contracts will be awarded on the basis of best value rather than lowest initial price.
There will usually be an assessment of quality, benefits and costs throughout the life of the asset or contract period (Depending on value). This will ensure that the TVCA Group gets the optimum combination of whole life costs and benefits to meet requirements.
We seek to maximise support to Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) and the local economy by encouraging local businesses to offer their goods and services to the Group whilst maintaining our duty to provide best value for money.
The Tees Valley Combined Authority, like most other local authorities in the area, publishes tender opportunities using an e-tendering system.
In order to access and respond to our tender opportunities, you must register on this e-tendering system, known as Proactis. You can access the Proactis system using this link. Guidance is available free of charge (in the form of video tutorials) on how to use the portal. To access this guidance, please visit this page.
It is possible to set up notifications on the Proactis system to keep yourself informed of tendering opportunities that are relevant to your business as they arise. Please see the guidance referred to above for more details.
Should you have any general queries relating to our procurement processes, please contact our Procurement team via email
For information and queries on current tendering opportunities, please access the Proactis system.
To find details on the procurement pipeline of work for the Combined Authority and the South Tees Development Corportation click here.
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