Indigenous Growth Fund

The Indigenous Growth Programme has been developed to promote area regeneration in support of economic growth in each of the five key settlements of the Tees Valley.  The Programme aims to develop the necessary critical mass in particular sectors and specific geographies for the region as a whole to compete for inward investment and talent retention and attraction against other city regions of similar scale across the United Kingdom and internationally.  The Programme will deliver the following indicative activities:

Gap capital support for:

  • the remediation/regeneration of vacant and derelict land and property;
  • public realm initiatives aimed at creating vibrant town centres;
  • strategic housing initiatives aimed at creating vibrant town centres;
  • investment in the provision of specialist culture and tourism accommodation and fit out;
  • investment in the provision of specialist (sector specific) business accommodation and fit out; and
  • Operating costs for discrete programmes designed to support associated capital expenditure.

The vision for the Programme is:

‘‘To create by 2025, a more competitive place proposition for the Tees Valley,  capable of attracting significant inward investment and talent attraction and retention,  thereby creating the necessary environment for economic growth and ensuring community vitality’’.

Critical to Success:

  • Ensuring sustainability of existing asset base;
  • Ensuring resilient communities;
  • Implementing an investment led approach;
  • Integrated Sectoral Approach; and
  • Enhancing the profile of the Tees Valley.

If you have any questions about this project please contact us

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