Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Programme (LCWIP)

It’s time for change.

Government has set out an ambitious case for a step-change in cycling and walking in the coming years, driven by the potentially large scale benefits.

“Increasing cycling and walking can help tackle some of the most challenging issues we face as a society – improving air quality, combatting climate change, improving health and wellbeing, addressing inequalities and tackling congestion.

“Bold action will help to create places we want to live and work – with better connected, healthier and more sustainable communities. It will help deliver clean growth, by supporting local businesses, as well as helping ensure prosperity can spread across the country and level up our nation.” (Source Gear Change: A bold vision for cycling and walking)

Tees Valley Combined Authority is committed to delivering a transport network fit for the future, so that everyone can participate in and benefit from the plans for growth.

Our cycling and walking implementation plan forms part of a range of inclusive transport options for Tees Valley. This business case sets out the case for investing in the infrastructure needed and proposes a Programme to deliver the investment in phases.

The ambitious plans aim to fill gaps and improve the network of cycling and walking routes to be coherent, direct, safe, comfortable, and attractive so that cycling and walking become the norm as transport options for shorter trips. To do this will require a long-term Programme of investment estimated at £150 million which will provide approximately 92 kilometres of new and improved routes over coming years. We have secured £5.6m to deliver phase 1 and will seek a range of funding options to deliver remaining priorities within the longer term Programme.

There are many other benefits. For people, it means cheaper travel and better health. For businesses, it means increased productivity and increased footfall in shops. And for society as a whole it means lower congestion, better air quality, and vibrant, attractive places and communities.

An initial five priority corridors have been identified as part of the long-term approach to delivering a step-change in local cycling and walking networks. The first two projects currently open for consultation are Woodland Road, Darlington, and Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough.

Three further corridors are being proposed which include Hartlepool town centre to Wolviston, Stockton town centre to Norton and Billingham via Norton Road and Guisborough to Nunthorpe.

You can read the case Local Cycling and Walking Programme – Executive Summary (published 1 December 2020). If you have any questions you can contact us.

Further information on our first two projects is available here.

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