Middlesbrough Rail Station


Mayor Preston, Mayor Houchen and Network Rail's Matt Rice at Middlesbrough station

Middlesbrough’s iconic railway station was originally built in 1877.  It sits in the town’s historic quarter and Enterprise Zone and is a vital link between the town’s commercial and retail centre, civic buildings, Teesside University, Middlesbrough College, the bus station, Riverside Stadium and the Middlehaven regeneration area.

Alongside Darlington, the station provides interchange options from local services onto regional and long distance services and has a footfall in excess of 1.3million entries and exits annually.

The town’s economic growth is focused on professional services and high value digital services/higher education, all of which are heavily dependent on wider business connections. To support the ambitious plans for the economic regeneration of Middlesbrough, the aspiration is for an enhanced rail gateway that can accommodate future demands for passenger and freight rail services, allowing a greater range of connections to the town, including direct rail connectivity to London. This connectivity will also play a key driver in the now-established Middlesbrough Development Corporation.

Working with the rail industry, and Middlesbrough Council, a package of improvements have been developed that will achieve the agreed objectives and provide a holistic solution to the identified national, regional and local passenger and freight issues. It includes the following components:

  • An extension to the existing Platform 2 to cater for intercity rail services;
  • A new Platform 3 to accommodate the planned increase in passenger rail services in the coming years;
  • Improvements to the station undercroft that provide new local regeneration opportunities;
  • Enhancements to the internal station facilities to improve the passenger experience; and
  • Public realm improvements in the vicinity of the station to enhance its role as a gateway to the town and Middlehaven

Robust project governance arrangements have been agreed between the partners, and we will also provide project management capacity to support the delivery of the project. As a significant investment, this project requires a partnership funding package to be delivered including a local contribution from the TVCA Investment Fund (Transforming Cities Fund), Department for Transport (DfT),Network Rail, Trans-Pennine Express and Middlesbrough Council with support from Historic England through the High Street Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) initiative.

If you have any questions or comments about this project please contact us

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