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News > Key Engagement Events Announced For Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan
Tees Valley Combined Authority | Published on: 17th February 2016
A key opportunity for people to have their say on the development of the Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) is to start later this month with a series of engagement events taking place in the area.
Tees Valley Unlimited (TVU), the Local Enterprise Partnership for Tees Valley, has developed the SEP economic blueprint following consultation with stakeholders, residents and the public and private sectors.
The SEP was submitted to the Government in March 2014 and led to TVU securing a Growth Deal worth around £104m.
The SEP Review will result in a clear mandate for businesses, partners and stakeholders, which can be used to encourage partners to deliver shared goals and be used to attract investment.
It also will set out the main priorities of the LEP and Combined Authority, which is due to come into existence in April, and their approaches and main focuses for investment for both the public and private sector.
Linda Edworthy, Director of Strategy and Investment at Tees Valley Unlimited, said: “The Strategic Economic Plan is a key driver to unlocking the future economic potential of the Tees Valley.
“We are reviewing the SEP to ensure it reflects the changing and evolving needs of Tees Valley so that it accurately reflects our vision and priorities for the area.
“The SEP focuses on the area’s competitive advantages, emerging opportunities and also pinpoints what challenges could hinder growth and what needs to be done to overcome them.
“It is important that as wide a spectrum of businesses and organisations as possible attend the review sessions to help shape the revised SEP. “The outcomes of these sessions will lead to the development of a new draft SEP for Tees Valley which will be considered at consultation briefings to be organised in spring. The aim is to publish the new SEP in July 2016.”
Different SEP review sessions, which take place during this month (February) and March, will focus on different sectors including advanced manufacturing, services, developers, agents and construction, young people, voluntary and community, and digital and creative.
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