Skills Bootcamps

free, flexible courses of up to 16 weeks helping adults aged 19+ build up sector skills that local employers are looking for and fast-track to a guaranteed interview.


Through Skills Bootcamps you can learn in-demand skills with a clear pathway to employment in sectors from Digital and Logistics, to Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing and Bioscience, as well as in the growing Clean Energy and Green industries.

Courses are flexible with classroom-based, on-the-job, online and short courses all available, so you can fit learning around your family, work or other commitments.

Information for employers

Skills Bootcamps are a great way to upskill existing staff who may need to update or formalise their skills or learn new specialist skills ​to develop in their role or take on a new one.

Employers who would like to access courses for existing staff are required to contribute to the cost of learning (10% SME and 30% for a large employer). The cost varies for each Skills Bootcamp and can be discussed with the individual training Provider.

Bespoke training and skills support is available for Tees Valley businesses through the fully funded Skills for Growth programme.

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