UKSPF Funding Opportunities





UKSPF Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

UKSPF FAQs can be viewed here. These will be updated as and when additional questions are received. If you have any clarification questions please check here first before emailing

CALL NOW OPEN under the ‘Supporting Local Business Priority’

About the Call

The Tees Valley UKSPF Supporting Local Business proposals are for a comprehensive programme of support to start, scale and grow businesses. It comprises three core objectives:

  1. Create new businesses.
  2. Scale-up micro-businesses.
  3. Grow small and medium-sized businesses.

The programme specifically aims to level-up Tees Valley in terms of:

  1. Business density
  2. Business creation
  3. Business scaling
  4. Business productivity
  5. Business employment and skills
  6. Business net zero

The Combined Authority is seeking proposals to provide support for business with a total value of £8.2m to be delivered across two financial years April 2023 to March 2025.

We are inviting proposals across seven lots via an Open Call as follows:

Lot 1 

Entrepreneur inspiration (£0.2m)

To inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs to create businesses.

Lot 2 

Start-up practical support (£1.68m)

To enable those new to business to realise their ambitions.

Lot 3 

Digital (£1.68m)

To adopt digital technologies and develop new products and services.

Lot 4 

Securing investment (£0.88m)

To be investor ready in securing finance.

Lot 5 

People (£0.72m)

To enable access to the right people for the business to scale and grow.

Lot 6

Supply Chain (£0.91m)

To maximise business opportunities and strengthen local supply chains.

Lot 7

Net Zero (£2.13m)

To be energy efficient and have a net zero roadmap.

Full details can be accessed via the Open Call document here

Indicative Timeline

Call Opens
Information Events
17th March 2023
31st March 2023
12th April 2023
Call Closes 28th April 2023 (5pm)
TVCA assessment of bids May 2023
Recommendations to Local Partnership Group May/June 2023
TVCA funding decision (in accordance with TVCA Assurance Framework) May/June 2023
Applicants notified June 2023
Project financial completion 31st March 2025

What type of bids are we looking for?

Projects must deliver activity that is line with the Tees Valley UKSPF Investment Plan and align with the Supporting Local Business investment priority and detailed requirements of each Lot.  Innovative proposals are welcome.

As the funding available through UKSPF is revenue funding, projects that focus on the construction or major refurbishment of buildings, the purchase of land or the purchase of large pieces of equipment will not be supported.

We welcome bids to deliver either individual Lots or multiple lots. If an organisation wishes to apply to be the lead organisation for multiple lots, they must complete and submit separate applications for each Lot.

We will not accept proposals for delivery of part of an individual Lot.  In this circumstance it is recommended that entities seek to partner with other organisations to be in a position to submit a consortium proposal for the full individual Lot.

It should be noted that UKSPF is a competitive process therefore applicants should carefully consider costings during the development of their project.

All projects must be financially complete by 31st March 2025

Full details can be accessed via the Open Call document here. Please ensure you read the Open Call document carefully prior to making an application.

Information Events

We are offering two dates as spaces are limited. The information provided at each event will be the same therefore please only register for one event.

Event 1

Date             Friday 31st March 2023

Time             10am – 12 noon

Location      Teesside International Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ

Register for event here

Event 2

Date             Wednesday 12th April 2023

Time             1pm – 3pm

Location      Teesside International Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ

Register for event here

CALL NOW OPEN under the ‘People and Skills Priority’ – Tees Valley Workforce Participation Programme

About the Call

The People and Skills investment priority includes an opportunity to deliver a programme of employment support for economically inactive people.

Tees Valley has a higher-than-average number of residents who are unemployed and economically inactive, closely correlated with relatively low levels of health and well-being and high unemployment rates when compared to other areas.

The programme activity will include intensive and wrap-around one-to-one support to move people closer towards mainstream provision and employment, supplemented by life and basic skills (digital, English, maths and ESOL).

To maximise and align with current programmes, life and basic skills should be delivered by existing programmes, such as Multiply.

The Combined Authority is seeking proposals to provide support for the economically inactive across two Lots with a total value of £4.8m to be delivered across the two years 2023/24 and 2024/25 (with a review point at the end of year 1 to confirm delivery in year 2).

Indicative Timeline

Call Opens 17th March 2023
Deadline for clarification questions 19th April 2023
Call Closes 28th April 2023 (5pm)
TVCA assessment of bids May 2023
Recommendations to Local Partnership Group May/June 2023
TVCA funding decision (in accordance with TVCA Assurance Framework) May/June 2023
Applicants notified June 2023
Project financial completion 31st March 2025

What type of bids are we looking for?

Projects must deliver activity that is in line with the Tees Valley UKSPF Investment Plan and align with the following People and Skills Intervention:

E33: Employment support for economically inactive people

Lot 1 – We are seeking to contract with at least 1 organisation to deliver projects of activity to identify, engage and work with participants who are eligible under this Lot. The organisation(s) must have existing direct access to the target cohort(s) as part of their primary function. The successful projects will be expected to support to the target group for Lot 1 to move towards the labour market.

Lot 2 – We are seeking to contract with one lead organisation for the full value of this Lot. The successful lead organisation is expected to lead a consortium of delivery partners to deliver a programme of activity to locate, engage and work with participants who are eligible under this Lot.

All projects must be financially complete by 31st March 2025

Full details can be accessed via the Open Call document here. Please ensure you read the Open Call document carefully prior to making an application.

Information Events

We are offering two dates as spaces are limited. The information provided at each event will be the same therefore please only register for one event.

Event 1

Date             Friday 24th March 2023

Time             1pm – 2.30pm

Location      Teesside International Airport Business Suite, Teesside International Airport, Darlington, DL2 1NJ

Register for event here

Event 2

Date             Wednesday 12th April 2023

Time             10.30am – 12 noon

Location      Teesworks Skills Academy, Off Eston Road, Middlesbrough TS6 6UA

Register for event here

CALL NOW OPEN under the ‘Communities and Place Investment Priority’ – Digital Inclusion Feasibility Study

About the Call

The Communities and Place priority area includes an opportunity to explore ways to increase digital inclusion across Tees Valley, with £500,000 dedicated to funding a Digital Inclusion Feasibility Study in 2023/24.

The Covid pandemic demonstrated the vital role of digital technologies.  Many activities related to work, education, leisure, and access to public services, moved from the physical to the virtual world and are expected to remain. The need for reliable, affordable internet connectivity, appropriate digital equipment, and digital skills to use this equipment surfaced rapidly.

UKSPF will be used to fund a Tees Valley Digital Inclusion Feasibility Study.  This feasibility study will be an assessment of the practicality and viability of a project to reduce digital exclusion within Tees Valley and would be expected to include a practical pilot.  Match funding is encouraged to increase value for money and reach of the pilot scheme.

Full details can be accessed via the Open Call document here.

Indicative Timeline


Call Opens 2nd March 2023
Call Closes 31st March 2023
TVCA assessment of bids 14th April 2023
Recommendations to Local Partnership Group 17th April 2023
TVCA funding decision (in accordance with TVCA Assurance Framework) 21st April 2023
Applicants notified 24th April 2023
Project financial completion 31st March 2024


What type of bids are we looking for?

Projects must deliver activity that is in line with the Tees Valley UKSPF Investment Plan and align with the Communities and Place – E14: Digital Inclusion Feasibility investment priority.

We are seeking to contract with one lead organisation for the full value of the call (£500k). Consortium bids are encouraged in order to address the complex nature of the Digital Inclusion challenge. Consortium members should be named within the application and the lead organisation clearly identified.

Bids that deliver across priority areas identified in the Tees Valley UKSPF Investment Plan are encouraged.

All projects must be financially complete by 31st March 2024

Due to the nature of the call we do not intend to hold any information events however if you have any questions please send them to

Cultural Industries Cluster Development: CALL NOW CLOSED

The Cultural Industries Cluster Development Call is now closed and assessment of submissions is underway

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